Weed (Imperata cilindrika L.)

Thursday, April 28, 2011

If you see weeds, people will see it as just plain wild plants, even plants named latin Imperata cilindrika L is even often considered a weed. But did you know? This wild herbal plants turned out to have a chemical content which is useful for our body, such as mannitol, glucose, sakharosa, malic acid, citric acid, coixol, anindom and many others.

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  1. In reed rhizome contained imperanene which turned out to have the effect of inhibiting platelet aggregation (blood clotting cells) according to the results of research experts from universities in Japan. Platelet aggregation inhibiting effect is similar to the effects caused by asetosal (acetyl salicylic acid) that is used to prevent blood clotting in patients with cardiac infarction.
  2. Cylindol A contained in the rhizome weeds have the effect of inhibiting the enzyme 5-lipoksigenase. With the inhibition of 5-lipoksigenase the formation of prostaglandins that cause pain in the muscles can be blocked. Other material contained, which inhibits the activity Cylendrenemempunyai contraction in smooth muscle of blood vessels, so blood circulation remains smooth.
  3. Graminone B inhibits aortic constriction of blood vessels.
  4. From the test results turned out to plant this grass is also known to have pharmacological effects or in other words, this plant has the properties: anti piretik / lower the heat, hemostatic / stop bleeding, relieve thirst, diuretic / laxative tract and get into the lungs, stomach, intestine also small.
If you suffer from high blood pressure, the root of this herbal plant can be used as alternative medicine. How: 100 grams of coarse grass roots, 15 grams meniran, and 15 grams of turmeric boiled with 800 cc of water to the remaining 300 cc, filtered and drunk.