Noni (Morinda Citrifolia)

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Phylum: Angiospermae,
Sub-phylum: Dycotiledones,
Division: Lignosae,
Family: Rubiaceae,
Genus: Morinda,
Species: citrifolia.
Scientific name: Morinda citrifolia.

Introduction: Noni plant is to be pillars are from Asia, Australia and other Pacific islands. He has lived in the wild for centuries in our country and less attention during it. Most of the edge of the forest and there is a region adjacent to the trench and the river. This plant has a main trunk is straight, broad-leaved, white flowers, fruit-shaped longitude and exchange of green to yellowish white when cooked. The ripe fruit has an unpleasant odor. Principal can reach a height about 10 m. Two species are common noni plant in this country is Morinda citrifolia (noni noni large or sea) and Morinda elliptica (Morinda citrifolia small or forest). There is similar variation in terms of Size and shape of fruit.

Usefulness and Importance: Noni has various uses. He has been in use since hereditary in traditional medicine, especially in Indonesia society. 'The discovery of the original' and the public interest against the plants 'miracle' began in late 1998 after the scientific discovery of the active ingredients and their functions by a biochemist from the University of Hawaii. One study conducted in the United States reported as many as 22 kinds of health problems could have been helped by making Noni. Among them is cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, bone, heart, depression, breathing. Noni can also be awakened to the collection of food products such as health food / additional, tonic, drinks and traditional medicine and non-food items such as cosmetics, personal hygiene and biopesticid.