Litchi (Euphoria Longana)

Friday, April 29, 2011

Litchi originated from China, including in the family apindaceae and known as ong guo yes or the eyes of dragon fruit. While in Indonesia, popularly known as 'mata kucing (cat's eye)'. The nickname is not because a way is similar to litchi fruit eyeball. Flesh is round, translucent white, and juicy. In the middle of the fruit seeds are black or dark brown.

Litchi tree can reach a height of 40 m and trunk diameter up to about 1 m. Leafy compound, with 2-4 (-6) pairs of leaves, mostly feathered tightly on axial section. 1-20 cm petiole, leaf stalk children from 0.5 to 3.5 cm. Children rounded leaves elongate, length 1-5 times its width, varying from 1.5 to 20 cm × 3-45, with the feathers felt especially on the bottom near the bones of the leaf.
Inflorescence usually on the end (Flos terminalis), 4-80 cm long, thick with feathers felt, umbrella shape fork. Crown flower five strands, length up to 6 mm. Fruit round, yellowish brown, almost bare; smooth, grainy, rough, depending on its type. Fruit flesh (arilus) thin white and somewhat translucent. Packaging seeds blackish brown, shiny. Sometimes it smells a bit harsh.

In of fruit flesh have content sucrose, glucose, protein, fat, vitamin A, vitamin B, tartaric acid, and chemical compounds of plants (phytochemical) Other useful for health. The combination of these phytochemical compounds gave birth to various benefits, including relaxing the nerves and in the literature mentioned litchi provide a calming effect and efficacious overcome anxiety, insomnia, and difficulty concentrating.

In addition, litchi fruit flesh is also beneficial heart healthy and can treat heart pounding. In the book of fruit therapy, noted that the litchi fruit can also strengthen the spleen, increase production of red blood cells, increase appetite, and add energy, so it is either consumed by people who are in the process of recovery after illness stamina. Litchi fruit is useful to nourish the intestines and improve the absorption of food, launched a pee, cope with worms, healthy eyes, treat headaches, vaginal discharge and a hernia.

Part of litchi plants which merit not just fruit alone. Roots and leaves of litchi which taste bitter, even the hard seeds also keeps drug efficacy. The roots of litchi efficacious shed urine and blood circulation. Leaves efficacious as anti-inflammatory and fever reliever. While the seeds is useful to relieve pain and stop bleeding. Litchi seed is also used as material for shampoo, because it contains saponin compounds that can produce foam in large quantities.