Spinach (Amaranthus caudatus)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Spinach or Amaranth is a plant commonly grown for consumption as green vegetables. These plants come from tropical America but now scattered in tropical and subtropical regions worldwide. In Indonesia, spinach can be grown throughout the year and was found at an altitude of 5-2000 m above sea level, growing in hot and cold, but grows more abundantly in. lowlands on open land where the air a bit hot. This plant is known as vegetable sources of iron are important.

Spinach including annual herb that likes a warm climate and a strong light, grow upright or slightly inclined, 0.4 to 1 m high, and branching. Stems weak and watery. Leaf-stemmed, round-shaped eggs, limp, 5-8 cm long, tip blunt, base tapering, and it's green, red, green or white. Flowers in a skein of closely, sitting at the bottom of the armpit, the top gathered into a bouquet of flowers at the end of the shaft and armpit branching. Flower-shaped grains and black beans, small and hard.

Spinach sold in the market and usually consumed as a vegetable called spinach scraped. There are three varieties of spinach that is included in Amaranthus tricolor, namely ordinary green spinach, red amaranth (Blitum rubrum), which stems and leaves of red, and white spinach (Blitum album), a whitish-green. For information, spinach leaves and red stems containing a red liquid.
Apart from Amaranthus tricolor, there are other kinds of spinach, such as spinach snapper (A. hybridus), spinach thorn (A.spinosus), and spinach ground (A. blitum). Type spinach is often cultivated A. tricolor and A. hybridus, whereas other species grow wild. Spinach plants can be propagated by seed.

Spinach contains protein, fat, carbohydrate, potassium, iron, amarantin, routine, purines, and vitamins (A, B and C). Besides increasing the levels of serum iron and hemoglobin in patients with anemia, this plant is also efficacious increases bile and aid digestion. Plant part used is the leaves and roots. The roots of red spinach efficacious as a remedy dysentery. Spinach including fibrous vegetables that can be used to expedite the process of defecation. Fibrous food is highly recommended for consumption by patients with colon cancer, diabetes mellitus, high blood cholesterol, and lose weight.

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