Flowers knob (Gomphrena globose Linn.)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Flowers knob called Gomphrena globosa L., belonging to the family Amaranthaceae. These plants are found all over Indonesia, especially in areas with wet climates to medium. Ordinary grow in your backyard or in fields, open place with enough sunshine. Could grow at an altitude of 1-1400 m above sea level.

This form of annual herbaceous plants, height 60 cm. or more, hairy. Planted in the yard as an ornamental plant or grow wild in the fields that get enough sun to a height of approximately 1400 m. above sea level, comes from America and Asia. Green stems reddish, hairy, dilated at the link branching, leaves are sitting face to face, stemmed, leaf shape ovate to elongate breech, with a length of 5-10 cm, 2-5 cm wide, tapered tip green haired rough at the top and smooth on bottom, white hair color. Flowers hump shape, dark red color purplefish, like a ball. (There are white).

This plant has a distinctive chemical that is known is Gomphresin I, II, III, V, VI, and amaranthin. There is also the content of essential oils, flavone, or saponin. Taste sweet, neutral and anti-cough and phlegm laxative, anti asthmatik, anti-inflammatory eye.

Parts used are the flowers or entire plants, either fresh or dried. This plant is used to treat bronchial asthma, acute airway inflammation and chronic bronchitis, whooping cough (pertussis), sore eyes, headaches, hot on the child, night screaming, dysentery.

CAUTION: Poisoning occurs by the use of too many who usually have symptoms of dryness in the throat. If drug use is stopped or reduced, then the dryness will go away by itself. There are no specific contraindications.