Sangitan (Sambucus javanica Reinw.)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011
This herb is native to Indonesia, including in the family Caprifoliaceae, can be found from the lowlands to an altitude of 1,000 m above sea level. Sangitan commonly found growing wild in the mountains, a suburb on the land abandoned, or planted as an ornamental plant population in the yard and sometimes found as hedgerows. These plants generally like places that are not too dry or too moist.

This plant-shaped shrubs, annual, erect, 1-4m tall. Stem round, woody, with a lot of branching. Leaves sangitan including odd pinnate compound leaves, double two, not perfect, has a 5-11 child who lies pinnate leaves. Strands of child-stemmed leaves, elongated elliptical to lancet, 4-8cm long, 1.5-3cm wide, pointed tip, edge serration, bald hairless, upper surface dark green color. lower surface light green. Size flowers small, white colored, small petals grooved reaches flat, out of the end of the twig and smelling good. The fruit is hard with 3-4mm diameter, ripe black fruit can be eaten. The number of seeds 1-3 pieces. Sangitan can be propagated by cuttings or seed.

It was sweet, slightly bitter, warm nature. This herb into the liver meridian (liver) and efficacious as a laxative urine (diuretic), eliminating swelling, relieve pain (analgesic) of circulation. Roots efficacious to relieve colic (antispasmodic) and eliminate swelling. Pee nutritious fruit laxative, blood purifier, stimulant laxatives and vomiting.

This plant contains volatile oil, cyanogenic glucoside, ursolic acid, â-sitosterol, á-amyrin palmitate, KNO3 and tannins. The fruit contains saponin and flavonoida.

Plant part used is the root, stem and leaf. If you want to be saved, this plant is dried beforehand. The roots of this plant is useful for treating wounds beaten, broken bones, gout, stiff, and jaundice. Stems and leaves are useful in treating swelling because of kidney disease (nephritic edema), dysentery, chronic inflammation of the airways (chronic bronchitis), rubella and erysipelas (acute skin infections caused by Steptococcus sp.) Flowers used for the treatment of skin sunburn, dark spots on the face (freckles), smooths the skin and nerves easily aroused.

If this plant is used for the drugs taken, the way is boil 90-120 g or 30-60 g fresh herbs dried herbs, and drinking boiled water. Alternatively, fresh herbs and crushed feelings drink water. As for external use, wash the plant thoroughly and then boiled. Once cool, use boiled water to wash or to bathe sores in people with the disease rubella (measles Germany). Alternatively, wash the plant thoroughly, then finely minced. Paste the potion to the entire body of the sick, such as swelling due to shock, hives and eczema.

NOTE: Pregnant women are forbidden to drink decoction of this medicinal plant.

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