Seven golden candlestik is a type of large shrubs and many grows wild in moist places. Now this plant is often kept as a backyard or building shade. In Indonesia, this plant is often referred to as "ketepeng china". This plant thrives in low altitude of 1400 meters above sea level.
Seven golden candlestik is a shrub with a height of approximately 5 m. Stem woody, rounded, branching simpodial, dirty brown. Leaves compound, pinnate even, the child leaves eight to twenty-four pairs, forms a long rounded, blunt tip, flat edge, base rounded, length 3.5 to 15 cm, width 2.5 to 9 cm, bone pinnate leaves, short stem and green. Compound interest, the form of bunches, sharing five petals, three stamens, yellow, short patron leaves, orange, crown shape of butterflies, yellow. Fruit pods, long, quadrangular, ± 18 cm long, ± 2.5 cm wide, young green after dark brownish black. Aspects Seed three pointy, flat, dark green when young black. Roots riding, branched, round, and blackish.
Cassia alata leaves efficacious as a cure tinea versicolor, ringworm, scabies, constipation, intestinal worms, and canker sores. Chemical properties of this plant taste spicy, warm and insecticidal, relieve itching, laxatives, worming, medical skin disorders caused by skin parasites. Chemical constituents of cassia alata plants include: rein-emodina aloe, aloe-emodina rein-diantron, rein, aloe emodina, krisofanat acid, (dihidroksimetilanthraquinone), and tannins.
The part that is used as a treatment of this plant is the leaf. For example, to treat tinea versicolor. 1 handful of fresh Seven golden candlestik leaves and a little alum (or 1 tablespoon whiting) until finely crushed. Next rubbed on the skin of the sick, 2 x per day until cured.