Pasak bumi (Eurycoma longifolia)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Pasak bumi or often known by the name of tongkat ali. Pasak bumi is a kind of tree found in the forests of Malaysia and Indonesia. Pasak bumi is a kind of plant which is said to have materials to help those facing the problem of lust.

This herbaceous plant can reach 10 meters in height so that the hedge low land forest. Typically, lush leaves at the end of the rod.Most of these trees are not branched, if the branching is too little of one or two branches only. The flowers are arranged densely on branched stems, which came out from the base of the leaf.

Plant part used is the root and stem bark. This plant's roots and bitter skin. After cleaning, the roots of pasak bumi are stored in a dry place. If you want to use it, the root is brewed with warm water and left in place for some time. This plant root steeping water and then drunk. While the plant stem bark powder was used as medicinal herbs. Herb of pasak bumi on the market, usually mixed with other ingredients such as ginseng, ginger or other materials.

The content of ethanolic extracts in pasak bumi to increase the amount of male hormone testosterone. Ethanolic stimulating hormone chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) to help the formation of testosterone. Plant roots also contain brusin and a nutritious strichnin add vitality to men because it is afrodisiaka. That is a traditional herb that is claimed to stimulate the libido.

Based on research, afrodisiaka plant contains saponins, alkaloids, tannins, and other compounds that can physiologically blood circulation in the central nervous system or peripheral blood circulation. The effect is to increase blood circulation to the male genitalia. But new research conducted at this stage afrodisiaka content. Not until the effectiveness afrodisiaka to treatment of erectile dysfunction. But afrodisiaka relatively safer than chemical drugs. For the hose and the muck, does not force such as chemical drugs.

Efficacy of plant roots is apparently not only limited to these. Roots are also able to treat malaria. Because the roots contained a potent compound erikomanon treat malaria. While kuasinoid compound on Pasak bumi roots can paralyze falcifarum plasmodium. That is the bacteria that live in the body Anopeles Female mosquitoes cause malaria. Keep in mind, plasmodium that enter the human body can damage and destroy red blood cells.

Besides as enhancing the vitality of men and antimalarial, pasak bumi turns out to also prevent the attack of cancer. Kuasinoid and alkaloid compounds contained in Pasak bumi proved to inhibit cancer cell growth according to a study conducted by Abdul Razak Mohd Ali from the Forest Research Institute of Malaysia. As many as 8 alkaloid found in the roots of pasak bumi, one 9-methoxycanthin 6 which serves as an anticancer breast.

Research conducted by the Department pf Pharmacognocy, Tokyo College of Pharmacy & the Faculty of Medicine, Tokyo University, Japan. Finding antileukimia from pasak bumi compounds. In addition, pasak bumi is also useful to boost immunity to HIV sufferers.