Iler plant (Coleus scutellarioides, Linn, Benth)

Monday, April 18, 2011
This plant is known by the name of Coleus scutellarioides and included in Labiatea familia. These plants are usually planted in the garden as an ornamental or medicinal plants. This herb comes from Southeast Asia and are found in damp places and open, like on the edge of the ditch, dike fields or on the edge of rural roads at an altitude of 1-1300 m above sea level.

These plants include herb a year, grow upright or lying on its base, the part that touches the ground outside the root, height of 0.5 to 1.5 m, if all parts of the squeezed will release a fragrant smell. Have a rectangular-shaped rod receptacle and including the category of wet plant stalks break easily.

Iler single leaf, stem 3-4 cm long. Strands of egg-shaped leaves, base rounded or curved like the shape of the heart, pointed tip, serrated edge, bone pinnate leaves clear (a channel) shaped like a picture of nets, leaf surface somewhat glossy, smooth-haired, long 7-11 cm, a width of 3, 5-6 cm brownish purple to blackish purple. Flower-shaped garland layers, facing each other and appear at the top of the stem shaft. Iler flowers are arranged in loose bunches at the end or a branched panicle width, crown two-lipped with the lower lip hanging, white. Fruit hard, shaped like an egg and slippery.

This plant aromatic, slightly bitter taste, cold in nature. Efficacious as a laxative menstruation (emenagog), appetite stimulant, neutralizing toxins (antitoksik), inhibits the growth of bacteria (antiseptic), dilute blood clot, accelerate maturation of boils and the killer worms (vermisida).

Parts used for various diseases of leaves and stems. Stems and leaves contain volatile oils, phenols, tannins, fats, phytosterols, calcium oxalate, peptic substances, alkaloids, ethyl salicylate, methyl eugenol, thymol, karvakrol and minerals. The leaves are used for the treatment of hemorrhoids, delayed menstruation, vaginal discharge, fever, puerperal fever, diabetes mellitus, difficult bowel movements (constipation), impaired digestion of food (dispepsi), and worms. While the roots are used for the treatment of abdominal colic, diarrhea.

For drugs taken, boiled 5-15 leaves and drink boiled water. As for external use, leaves of this plant is milled until pulverized, then paste on the boils, abscesses, ulcers, festering wounds, headache, puerperal fever, and insect bites and poisonous snakes. In addition, this herb can be used as a poultice after childbirth. But remember, pregnant women are prohibited from drinking herb leaf stew slobber because it can cause miscarriage.