Galangal (Languas galangal)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

This plants have a scientific name languas galangal. Galangal from areas of tropical Asia, but also there is an opinion from Bengla (India).Galangal plants grown in the lowlands and highlands until at an altitude of 1200 m above sea level. Growing up in a protected area but got enough sunlight.

Galangal herb is a plant which grows sturdy, high between 1.5 - 2.5 m. stem ginger is soft because of the fictitious bar formed from the set-midrib leaf midrib. There are two types of galangal, namely galangal rhizome which has a white color and a reddish rhizomes.

Rhizome white has a fine fiber, while the reddish-colored rhizome has a rather coarse fibers. The leaves of this herb on the surface of the shiny green upper and lower surfaces pale green. Leaves form a thin, long round with a pointed tip. On the edge of the leaf is usually seen little white lines and a bit hard. The leaves at the base usually do not have leaves, but only the midrib.

Plants that were old enough issue greenish white flowers. Interest will be out when the plant is quite old, growing from the tip of the plant. The flowers and petals erect bell-shaped, greenish white, long and slender-stemmed.

Content of substances contained in plants of this herb is essential oil of greenish yellow color and distinctive smell and taste bitter galangal. The content of the oil attrition, among others methyl cinnamaat 48%, cineol 20% - 30%, camphor, d-alpha-pinen, galangin, and eugenol 3% - 4%. It also contained other substances, such as galangol, hydrates hexahydorcadalene, camphor, sesquiterpene, yellow crystals, and cadinine.