Datura (Datura metel L.)

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Datura is often called "Kecubung" is widespread in Indonesia, especially in areas with dry climates. Generally grows wild in the open on sandy soil that is not so humid, like in the bush, open grassland, river or buried in the garden as a medicinal plant. Originally this plant is estimated from the U.S. and can be found in lowland areas up to a height of 800 above sea level.

This plant in the form of shrubs, a year, erect, the base is generally woody, branching, 0.5-2 m high, toxic. Single leaves, stemmed, where the deal. Strands of leaf shape is oval, pointed tip, edge grooved, 6-25 cm long, 4.5-20 cm wide. Single flower, trumpet-shaped, upright, out of the end of the stalk, the flowers will bloom before the sunset and will bud the next afternoon. Fruit box fruit, round, prickly stickers and sharp. Seeds many, small, flat, brownish yellow. Datura can be propagated by seed.

Datura has a bitter taste, pungent, warm nature, poisonous (toxic), in the meridian of the heart, lungs and spleen. The plant is efficacious anti-asthmatic, anti-cough (antitusif), anti-arthritic, pain relievers (analgesics), an aphrodisiac and numb (anesthetic).

Datura contains 0.3-0.4% alkaloids (about 85% and 15% scopolamine hyoscyamine), hycoscin and atropine (depending on variety, location and season). Active substances can cause hallucinations for the wearer. If this plant alkaloid isolated it will be detected methyl crystalline compounds which have a relaxing effect on muscle movement. Datura is a white flowering is often considered the most toxic than other types that also contain alkaloids. For that use extreme caution and limited as foreign drugs. Attention! If one is poisoning this plant, try not to fall asleep. And to resist poisoning is to drink strong coffee and try to breathe fresh air as much as possible.

The main part used is the flower. In addition, roots and leaves are also efficacious as a medicine. This plant can be used fresh or after drying.