Asian copperleaf (Acalypha australis)

Friday, April 22, 2011

Asian copperleaf herba (Acalypha australis L.), or often called this Acalypha indica grows wild on the roadside, grass, mountain slopes and so forth. Propagation is by seed plants. Asian copperleaf plants in some areas in Indonesia have different colors.

This plant grows in bush form. Tree height could reach 1.5 meters, trunked erect, branched with coarse elongated line, round, smooth haired, green. Single Leaf, a rhombus-shaped, green, 3-4 cm long, 2-3 cm wide, pointed, serrated edge, is spread along the tree and the trunk. Compound flower-shaped ears, and out of the axillary leaf and branch tip. Fruit globular, black. Seeds elliptical brown and has a root heels. The roots of this plant is well-liked dogs and cats.
In plant taxonomy, Asian copperleaf are classified as follows:
Kingdom                : Plantae
Subkingdom           : Tracheophyta
Super Divisions      : Spermatophyta
Division                  : Magnoliophyta
Class                      : Magnoliopsida
Sub Class               : Rosidae
Order                     : Euphorbiales
Family                    : Euphorbiaceae
Genus                     : Acalypha
Species                   : Acalypha australis L.

Chemical constituents of this herb are: Fiber, Acid ascorbate, ascorbic acid, acid ascorbate, β-sitosterol, β-D-glucoside, tannins, kaempferol, and Tanin. Meanwhile Farmakologis effect is as antidiabetic, AGE Anti, β Glucoronidase Inhibitor, Hypoglycemia, Antioxidants, Xanthin oxidase inhibitors, and 5 lipoxygenase inhibitors.

In addition to these pharmacological effects, Asian copperleaf were known to have a conditioning effect (astringent), inflammatory, antibiotic, laxative urine, stop the bleeding (hemostatic). Also Asian copperleaf are often used as a treatment basiler dysentery and amoebic dysentery, malnutrition, nosebleeds, vomiting blood, dysentery, blood urine, and malaria.